Master Tigress Jolie has a Cancer ascendant at 28 degrees. Conjunct the smiling little personality suns of her little Cancer twins with their Suns (20 degrees) conjunct Venus (29 degrees)!
Mlle Kiddie notes that the twins have their Sun in Cancer in the seventh house. Which is good when you live in Pandamonium in a house of six kids (as of November 2008 with more always promised)
Knox and Vivienne are "people persons" who may have little inclination or taste for solitude. Finding interesting things to do when on their own can be challenging. Companionship and friendship are everything to them and they may not act very decisively unless they know that at least one other person approves of their actions. Because of this, their friends and other significant people in their life can unduly influence them. One or both may also be a bit of a busybody because they so much want to be actively involved in others' lives. They will play advisers, peace-makers, go-betweens, or counselors to their playmates and friends throughout their lives.
Here is their Kiddie Star Signs Chart Wheel
Their Mom's Kiddie Star Sign Chart Wheel
Master Tigress Angelina Jolie's Kiddiegram Report.