TV series Lipstick Jungle next season has been canceled by NBC.
With two daughters, five year old Rowan a little Taurus with a Moon in Scorpio (Shield's Mercury is in Taurus conjunct her daughter's Sun) and Aries Grier (born the same day and in the same hospital as Suri Cruise) it's not like Shields doesn't have a day job. Since the four and a half million fans (NBC only counted viewers in real time not digital later viewers) may have something to say in the mater, we'll hold on to our lipsticks for the moment. It may not be back to the jungle gyms just yet.
LIPSTICK JUNGLE -- Pictured: Brooke Shields as Wendy -- NBC Photo: Andrew Eccles
Brooke Shield's Kiddie Star Sign Chart Wheel Her Kiddiegram
earlier post: on Brooke Shields and Grier and Suri Astro Twins