Charlotte was born while the Sun was in Virgo, emphasizing a down-to-earth and practical kind of personality, but with the Sun cozying up to serious, rule-following Saturn, also in Virgo, and an always appropriate Libra Moon, she has all the makings of a sweet and obedient child, always wanting to do her best and please others. Grace, indeed, is an apt middle name!
But she's certainly got a rebellious streak. Uranus, the planet of the rebel, is opposite the Sun and Saturn. When the pressure of being too good and living up to everything she expects of herself gets to be too much, you can bet that Uranus will grab the steering wheel and get her to mix it up a bit, breaking some rules and giving her a bit of elbow room to be herself. Uranus in Pisces just wants to allow her to be loosey-goosey and go with the flow of being herself, even if it's not always her best or most perfect self. Still, she earnestly wants to strive to be her best and will gain much self-confidence and self-respect from doing so with that Virgo Sun. Gaining skills that help her win achievements may especially be rewarding, so she'll likely want to do well in school and will be able to do so, but may worry about falling short.
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Mercury conjunct SaturnCharlotte Grace has a serious and deep mind, and she is inclined to be uncommunicative or ill at ease with light, banal social conversation. When she studies a subject, she is very careful, thorough, and exacting. Her concentration and ability to work on difficult, demanding intellectual problems is very good. She can be too rigid in her thinking, however.Mercury opposite UranusMental stimulation and the excitement of new ideas and discoveries is very necessary for Charlotte Grace. Quick to grasp new concepts, she is drawn to the most daring or radically innovative ideas. She tends to act on her ideas rather impulsively and is impatient with duller or more methodical minds.
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Image of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Credit: David Shankbone
Charlotte's birth time is publicly unknown, so a solar chart has been cast. No potentially incorrect interpretation information has been offered.
Image of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Credit: David Shankbone
Charlotte's birth time is publicly unknown, so a solar chart has been cast. No potentially incorrect interpretation information has been offered.