Four year old Natasha Rodriguez is a cusp Scorpio child with a Moon in Aquarius. Her eighth month old sister Ella is another cusp child with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio. Cynthia nee Scurtis Rodriguez is a Capricorn . She and Alex met at Body and Soul Gym in Coconut Grove Florida . The masters in psychology he saw on the StairMaster was also an athlete (volleyball) so Mademoiselle Kiddie of Kiddiegram.com suspects this is parental constellation that despite the divorce will keep the eye on the ball, their kids and will always

The sisters share a very special nodal connection. Ella's North Node is in Aquarius conjunct her Neptune. Her sister Natasha's Moon is in Aquarius conjunct Neptune. On top of that the sisters share a very special Sun Moon connection in the sign of Scorpio. God bless the child that has such sibling solace. They will have the intense connection of a real emotional bond in Scorpio and the detached spiritual connection of their Aquarius connection touched by Neptune. Surrounded by glamour, the illusions and fantasy realities of fame at an early age, these sisters will probably be very sensitive to their Moon in Pisces Dad. Moon in Pisces folk are (depending on aspects to that Moon) usually a wonderful energy to be around.

six years before he proposed to her on her thirtieth birthday. (December 28, 1972) Born into a well to do Greek family, she grew up in tony Coconut Grove where they later met. Cynthia has a very exuberant chart. Although

Mademoiselle Kiddie can be found at her Star Bureau at Kiddiegram.com. About Us.