The royal baby has been named. The young Prince was named after his great grandmother's father, King George.
Mademoiselle Kiddie will also post a little something from his Kiddiegram below followed by the entire Kiddiegram for the youngest royal.
JUPITER in the birth chart reveals the child's future aspirations, and how he seeks to grow and improve himself. It also indicates areas of natural confidence, success, or "luck."Jupiter in Cancer:
Family and continuity with the past are very important to George, and no matter what his aspirations, he will never willingly grow away from his people. He will want to learn as much as possible about his family tree, his origins and ancestors. Being a part of an ongoing tradition--part of a tribe, so to speak--gives him confidence and strength. Visiting the homes of distant relatives would delight him.
Even though he's devoted to his family, his emotional generosity and sympathies extend beyond his immediate circle. He wants everyone to be "family," and will gladly accept schoolmates, camp buddies, and friends as such. His nurturing, protective feelings are strong and he's very caring toward other children (especially younger ones) and toward pets--indeed, toward anyone in need of support.
Jupiter in 8th house:
George is deeply curious about the mysteries of life and death, the afterlife, and the supernatural, as well as the inner workings of people. As a young child, he'll ask a lot of probing questions about "taboo" subjects like sex or death, not out of fear but merely because he's fascinated. He'll enjoy learning how various cultures view such things--how and why the Egyptians mummified their dead, for instance, or what the Hindus believe about reincarnation. And he'll surprise the adults in his circle with his precocious insights and wisdom about such matters. He understands, much more than one might expect, about why people behave as they do, and in his later life this will give him a great advantage in dealing with people and forming cooperative partnerships.
Jupiter Opposition Pluto:
George is quite a zealot (at least about certain things) and he'll be passionately dedicated to his causes and beliefs. He seeks to grow through intensity and destroying perceived limitations. Especially in youth, he may be pushy and self-righteous - or just very sure of his convictions.
Jupiter Trine Saturn:
As a child, George is apt to have an unusual degree of maturity, composure, poise, and conscientousness which make him something of a favorite amongst his elders. One of the ways he seeks to grow is through learning and carrying on a tradition. Useful skills passed on by a parent or grandparent will be highly valued and carried forward by him.
Jupiter Trine Neptune:
George seeks to grow by having faith and trusting in the unseen forces to provide for and assist him. Mostly this will work in his favor, but at times he expects God to do all the work and he could be to passive and unrealistic at times. He's a very generous soul and enjoys helping other children, animals, and others who are vulnerable or in need.

The KiddieGram Report for
George Alexander Louis
July 22, 2013
4:24 PM
London, England
The KiddieGram Report for
George Alexander Louis
July 22, 2013
4:24 PM
London, England
Planet Kiddie