Michelle Obama was born with a a Moon in Aquarius or a Moon in Pisces depending on what time she was born (as yet unknown). She turned 45 just this month (January 17). Here are solar chart wheels for the First Lady: one showing a Moon in Aquarius and one with a Moon in Pisces conjunct her Venus. Most astrology sites use the Moon in Pisces chart shown below.
So what about the swirling rumors, particularly when the rumor started with a complete disclaimer ("This is completely unconfirmed") Strollerderby the "Mother of All Parenting Blogs" sums it all up in a as always clever post by Sunny Chanel:
If by some odd chance it’s true, the timing wouldn’t be the best. Those Obamas, they have a whole lot going on; new jobs, new home, new schools…running a country. Me thinks a new baby would be a wee bit stressful right about now. Plus a new puppy is on the way! You never want to get a puppy and a baby at the same time. But if it is true, this baby would be the first in over 100 years to be born in the White House, the last being Grover Cleaveland's daughter in 1893.
The First Daughters as First Babysitters? Cancer Sun sign child Malia (10) and Gemini Sasha (7) are built in babysitters...but they were promised a puppy. Oh my goodness, if there were to be a First Baby the nation would move on from first trying to help choose a dog, to then moving on to naming the dog after the Obamas choose the dog and from there...naming a baby, which if it was a boy may be called
Lincoln. See....it's catching, those baby rumors and interest in the ultimate celebrity baby, First Baby Boy, First Baby Girl...its a rumor, so it could be twins! Luckily a grandmother is living at the White House etc etc

Perhaps a more Capricorn ( productive) use of the nation's time is to check out Michelle Obama, in her own words: Get a copy of The First Lady's Book: Michelle Obama: In Her Own Words. Checking facts rather than indulging in fantasy.