Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unflappable Apple Martin

In the February 2011 issue of Good Housekeeping, Libra mom Gwyneth Paltrow talked about life with Apple (6) and Moses (4). Recently Gwyneth talked about taking Apple to ballet class on a day when her dad was supposed to be on duty:
"Normally, Apple is pretty unflappable... Apple started going, 'I'm not crazy about that idea! I don't like change!'"
Apple's Sun and north node are both in the sign of Taurus, a sign notoriously stubborn and disliking of change. But when these characteristics are present, they don't come from a desire to be difficult. Taurus is about learning to embrace the natural rhythm of life and finding a sense of inner peace and stability, which can be especially important for someone with a Scorpio south node (the sign opposite Taurus) like Apple. Scorpio can carry a lot of tension because it's such a complex and intense energy, but Taurus is learning the wisdom of simplicity, so it's casual and relaxed nature is most comfortable and prevents unnecessary stress. The stubbornness can come from a desire to plant one's feet and grow in a stable environment, and it's the same thing that can often make them 'unflappable'.

Gwyneth also shared some of the things she wants to teach her children, such as accountability.
"That's something my father taught me. You need to be accountable, and you need to be responsible. You need to honor your commitments."

Apple will probably respond well to the lesson of responsibility, with her Capricorn Ascendant, which reveals that her outlook on the world is always coming from a goal-oriented and practical approach, with a desire to be taken seriously. She will enjoy a certain amount of responsibility as it will allow her to prove that she's capable. She probably also makes a great big sister as Capricorn tends to easily take on the responsibility of looking after those younger or less capable than them. With her Mars and Saturn in the 6th house of duty and responsibility, in the sign of Cancer (the sign of family and the urge to nurture & care for others), she will likely look out for her little brother throughout her life.

above photo: JustJared
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