Harlow is probably a girl who knows what she wants! With a south node in Leo and a playful Gemini Ascendant, she might not mind being the center of attention, as long as it doesn't stand between her and what's grabbing her attention at the moment! With Gemini Rising, she's going to be an extremely curious child, and with Mars' added speed, mom Nicole and dad Joel have probably experienced just how fast this little one's hands can move to grab something shiny and interesting! More about Mars conjunct her Ascendant from Harlow's Kiddiegram:
The lesson? Don't stand in the way of Harlow and her birthday presents or she'll let you have it! Happy Birthday, Harlow!Mars conjunct AscendantFrank, forthright, and direct, Harlow makes her presence and her will known very clearly. She is inclined to act first and think later. Decisiveness and initiative are her gifts; rashness or insensitivity to other people's needs and desires may be her downfall.
She appears self-confident and brave; others are inclined to follow her lead or at least to leave her alone to do what she wills.
Photo: JustJared