Not only does Faith have a strong Capricorn Sun, but she also has Pluto in a conjunction with her Sun and Mars also in Capricorn not too far away. Her moon, in Libra, is in a conjunction with Saturn, which lends another Capricornian flavor since Saturn 'rules' Capricorn.
Kids with a lot of Capricorn energy tend to seem on the serious side and sometimes can seem like little grown-ups. While some children want to run free and wild, Faith will probably feel comfortable with being given responsibilities and clear rules.
Mademoiselle Kiddie does not know Faith's birth time, so it is impossible to determine Faith's Ascendant, but whether it's in fun-loving Sagittarius, open-hearted Pisces, or go-get-em Aries, Faith is likely to approach life with caution, especially when it comes to trust other people. It may take her a while to warm up to new people and new situations.
More from her Kiddiegram:
Kids with a lot of Capricorn energy tend to seem on the serious side and sometimes can seem like little grown-ups. While some children want to run free and wild, Faith will probably feel comfortable with being given responsibilities and clear rules.
Mademoiselle Kiddie does not know Faith's birth time, so it is impossible to determine Faith's Ascendant, but whether it's in fun-loving Sagittarius, open-hearted Pisces, or go-get-em Aries, Faith is likely to approach life with caution, especially when it comes to trust other people. It may take her a while to warm up to new people and new situations.
More from her Kiddiegram:
Faith Margaret tends to emulate the adults in her life, and to respect their capabilities, wisdom, and authority. She likes the security of having a clearly defined set of rules and boundaries, and she does not eagerly embrace new ways or new people. It takes time for her to warm up or be willing to trust someone. She needs to watch quietly for awhile. She may need to be encouraged to take risks and to express herself freely. Try to convey to her that it is all right to make mistakes and to be a little foolish sometimes!Want to find out what makes your little one tick? Order your Kiddiegram online and find out right now!