It turns out that Stella might just be built for journalism if she is so inclined! Her Sagittarius Sun is tightly conjunct Mercury, the planet of the mind, communication, and yes, media. Sagittarius is a truth-seeking sign, and those who have a prominent Mercury in their charts like Stella does, have a strong need to satisfy their curiosity about whatever strikes their fancy. She is built to ask questions.
Pluto is also not far away from that Sun and Mercury, which adds a shrewdness to her questions--she's looking for the real truth and won't be satisfied with just the nice, simple questions that have only one, concrete answer. She's got the mind of a philosopher.
Her Saturn is exactly opposite that Sun and Mercury, in the sign of Gemini, so throughout her life she'll be balancing that philosophical mind with the need to put information through it's paces, to recognize how information can be biased and bent. Sagittarius can be vulnerable to jumping to conclusions about what something means, so Saturn in Gemini will always be helping her keep a balance between belief and fact, having her sift through the possibilities before coming to her conclusions, like an internal critical thinker.

You can read Stella & Jennifer's interview here!