Kiddie enjoys the beginning of the month because of a guest blog on parents and their children written and contributed monthly by
Amy Herring.
Amy, a Seattle based astrologer and author of
Astrology of the Moon, has captivated our Kiddie Star Sign readers with her guest blogs filled with down-to-earth updates on issues that confront or confound parents about their kids.
Take a look at some of the help she's provided our readers.
As resident advice columnist, counselor and a Mom to boot, she has illuminated questions for many parents and their children. Grateful for her generous sharing of her expertise, humor and teaching, Mlle K suggests that if you have a question that puzzles or amazes you about your child, you can ASK AMY via http://bit.ly/ContactKiddiegram (put Ask Amy in the subject heading).
As an added gift, every season, Lord Kiddie will draw a lucky winner from those who have made a comment on the Kiddie Star Sign blog or the guest blog and/or have sent her a question to consider. In gratitude Lord Kiddie will gift a lucky winner with a parental or personal reading from Amy. This reading is a $120 value (if you can’t wait you can contact Amy at Heavenly Truth directly for a reading!)
First winner March 21!
Amy Herring has been a professional astrologer for 15 years and a proud mother for 5 of those years. She has joyfully accepted Mlle. Kiddie’s gracious offer to share her thoughts once a month here at Kiddie Star Signs. To find out more about Amy and her personal readings for parents and children, visit her website at http://heavenlytruth.com.
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