Money and fame don’t solve every problem. Celebrity moms have their hopes and worries for their children too. However, Mlle. Kiddie would like to offer ‘everyday’ moms a chance to see astrology put into action to answer their parenting questions. After all, famous or not, you’re the world to your kids! If you’ve got a question about your child that you’d like Amy to answer, send your questions any time to amy@heavenlytruth.com.
Angela writes:

Amy answers:
Given that Liam is still so young and has already spent a great deal of time apart from his father with you as his primary caregiver, the impact of the divorce will likely not be as difficult as if he had been raised with his father in the home for many years first. Probably more critical, then, are issues involved in helping him build the relationship between his father long-distance as he grows. Equally as important, if not more so, will be your relationship with him since you will be providing (and have been) primary care and nurturing on a daily basis.
Liam's south node lies in Cancer in the 8th house, so the shelter and a feeling of being protected within a family unit is certainly something that will be of value to him, but with his Mars in Cancer in the 7th house of relationship, it's also likely that he'll often want to be on the giving end of that protection, and probably quite loyal to and protective of those he loves, especially you.
Liam has Saturn in Virgo on his Midheaven (the 10th house) and it's opposite Uranus in Pisces in the 4th house. This can set up a dynamic in his life where he works out two issues that seem to be in conflict. The first is his own desire to measure up to others' expectations of him, especially the authority figures in his life (and there's many of them when we are kids: parents, teachers, etc.). This is represented by Saturn. The second is his desire to be simply and purely himself, and be loved and accepted for it. This is represented by Uranus. I'll return to this issue below.
Liam's father has three planets in the sign of Taurus, which, when overlaid onto Liam's chart, fall in Liam's 5th house. When someone's planets fall in our 5th house, we are inspired to feel more playful and to live more in the moment, which can be great for a parent and child enjoying each other. However, in situations of long-distance parenting, it can be easier for the visiting parent to feel more like, well, a visitor, or a playmate. This is an issue some single parents face who have primary custody anyway, since the rules and norms are maintained at the primary parent's place and therefore visiting the other parent can sometimes seem like vacation (of course this depends on many factors).
This may not be much of a problem as far as Liam's relationship with his father if his visits are going to be so infrequent. Perhaps the role of a loving and supportive adult figure in Liam's life who can give him a change of pace can be the focus for dad while Liam is young (again, mainly because the situation you both find yourselves in prohibits frequent in-person involvement). It's possible that Liam may resent involvement from his father if he tries any authoritarian overtures with Liam as he gets older, since dad isn't the one setting the daily structure and rules. With Liam's Saturn Uranus opposition, he's likely to be frustrated if he feels that someone who doesn't know him (Uranus) in a deep way imposes limits on him (Saturn). This can certainly be mitigated by his father building a close relationship with him through other means if he can't always be there in person. This issue won't just play out with dad, but with any authority figure in his life, if he feels misunderstood or like he's not really being seen for who he is (Uranus).
For most children and especially for Liam, a sense of family in the heart sense will be built on those that he feels really know him and support him for who he is as an individual, with that gentle Piscean touch of compassion and that Cancerian love, nurturing, and protection, while also fostering his independence and capability. You and Liam both share the same sun (Virgo) and same moon (Aquarius), so there will be some good common ground for you both to relate to each other, specifically an understanding of how you always want to do and be your best, but you also want to be free to be yourself, even if it's messy or doesn't look the way others think it should. You will be more than enough for Liam.
Would you like some input on how to understand and nurture your child in the most effective way for their unique needs? Amy offers readings for parents and children; find out more at her website.
Angela writes:
My husband and I already live across the planet from each other, and we are currently looking at separating and eventually divorcing. This means my son, Liam, will see his father once a year at most. I worry about how this will affect him as he grows. What can I do to make the best of this for him?

Amy answers:
Given that Liam is still so young and has already spent a great deal of time apart from his father with you as his primary caregiver, the impact of the divorce will likely not be as difficult as if he had been raised with his father in the home for many years first. Probably more critical, then, are issues involved in helping him build the relationship between his father long-distance as he grows. Equally as important, if not more so, will be your relationship with him since you will be providing (and have been) primary care and nurturing on a daily basis.
Liam's south node lies in Cancer in the 8th house, so the shelter and a feeling of being protected within a family unit is certainly something that will be of value to him, but with his Mars in Cancer in the 7th house of relationship, it's also likely that he'll often want to be on the giving end of that protection, and probably quite loyal to and protective of those he loves, especially you.
Liam has Saturn in Virgo on his Midheaven (the 10th house) and it's opposite Uranus in Pisces in the 4th house. This can set up a dynamic in his life where he works out two issues that seem to be in conflict. The first is his own desire to measure up to others' expectations of him, especially the authority figures in his life (and there's many of them when we are kids: parents, teachers, etc.). This is represented by Saturn. The second is his desire to be simply and purely himself, and be loved and accepted for it. This is represented by Uranus. I'll return to this issue below.
Liam's father has three planets in the sign of Taurus, which, when overlaid onto Liam's chart, fall in Liam's 5th house. When someone's planets fall in our 5th house, we are inspired to feel more playful and to live more in the moment, which can be great for a parent and child enjoying each other. However, in situations of long-distance parenting, it can be easier for the visiting parent to feel more like, well, a visitor, or a playmate. This is an issue some single parents face who have primary custody anyway, since the rules and norms are maintained at the primary parent's place and therefore visiting the other parent can sometimes seem like vacation (of course this depends on many factors).
This may not be much of a problem as far as Liam's relationship with his father if his visits are going to be so infrequent. Perhaps the role of a loving and supportive adult figure in Liam's life who can give him a change of pace can be the focus for dad while Liam is young (again, mainly because the situation you both find yourselves in prohibits frequent in-person involvement). It's possible that Liam may resent involvement from his father if he tries any authoritarian overtures with Liam as he gets older, since dad isn't the one setting the daily structure and rules. With Liam's Saturn Uranus opposition, he's likely to be frustrated if he feels that someone who doesn't know him (Uranus) in a deep way imposes limits on him (Saturn). This can certainly be mitigated by his father building a close relationship with him through other means if he can't always be there in person. This issue won't just play out with dad, but with any authority figure in his life, if he feels misunderstood or like he's not really being seen for who he is (Uranus).
For most children and especially for Liam, a sense of family in the heart sense will be built on those that he feels really know him and support him for who he is as an individual, with that gentle Piscean touch of compassion and that Cancerian love, nurturing, and protection, while also fostering his independence and capability. You and Liam both share the same sun (Virgo) and same moon (Aquarius), so there will be some good common ground for you both to relate to each other, specifically an understanding of how you always want to do and be your best, but you also want to be free to be yourself, even if it's messy or doesn't look the way others think it should. You will be more than enough for Liam.
Would you like some input on how to understand and nurture your child in the most effective way for their unique needs? Amy offers readings for parents and children; find out more at her website.