Both Prince and Paris Jackson recently said they are thinking of trying a few things in the showbiz world, Prince wanting to produce and Paris interested in acting. Interestingly, many things in her chart, specifically her many 12th house planets and her Cancer Moon, indicate a tendency to be more withdrawn or even shy, but her south node in the 11th house of 'the public' reveals she's used to being in the spotlight (of course!)

Her south node is in Pisces, so it is ruled by Neptune, in her 10th house of career. Mlle. Kiddie could definitely see her in the acting profession, which is often about being a bit of a chameleon, something Neptune's ever-shifting and fantasy-loving style can find easy to do. Pisces can also be a very dreamy sign. She probably has some big dreams and aspirations, which she will need all that Aries initiative to translate into action. Jupiter is nearby also in her 11th house, so having friends in high places will definitely translate into 'luck' for her as far as getting opportunities.
What will be most important over her life is learning to work to brings those dreams. into reality She may come at things, even as she gets older, with naivete and lack of focus and that can have her playing roles (literally in acting or figuratively) where she has just landed by accident rather than out of intention and choice. Working toward her north node in Virgo in the 5th house will mean using discrimination in her creative choices so that what she produces can be real and will bear her creative mark rather than just ambiguous fame.
With her Aries Sun and Aries Rising, just going for it with gusto is a key first step!