Aquarians are born with the need to develop their sense of individuality and independence, to do things their own way, so they often need to develop a strong will and even a stubborn streak to be able to stick to who they know they are. Sadie's got some extra help in that department!
Her Moon (heart) is in Scorpio, a sign known for feeling deeply and intensely, and it's in a comfortable trine relationship to Uranus, which is the planet of individuality (much like Aquarius is the sign of individuality), so she is going to be passionate about her individuality and her right to be free and follow her heart. Her Moon is in a challenging square to Neptune, the planet of compassion and empathy, so she will be learning how do what is right for her while also responding to her deep feelings toward others' needs and emotions.
She also has Jupiter, a planet that is about expansion, leaps of faith and following opportunities, in the sign of Aries, a sign that really wants to go for it, with no holding back and no hesitating. And the clincher: Sadie's Aquarius Sun (sense of self) is in a conjunction with Mars, the planet of will and personal power. Here's what her Kiddiegram reveals about this powerful connection:

This child is very energetic, and one of your principle tasks as her parents is to help her find outlets for her abundant vitality. She is quite competitive, and enjoys contests and challenges, whether physical or intellectual. She is very strong-willed and rather combative, uncooperative, or uncompromising at times.Any combativeness is typically out of her need to learn how to manage her own desire for strength, and her strong will is necessary for her to be able to assert her personality. With Saturn, the planet of discipline, in Libra, the sign of relationship, she will have to practice at diplomacy and understanding where others are coming from, but with those skills on her side, she'll definitely always be "graceful" under fire!