“It’s crazy! It’s totally nuts, I mean she wants her high heels everyday,” she told People.
“I usually try and give her an option, now I stopped doing that because she just goes nuts and she wants to wear everything. She wants a princess dress everyday so I have to say, ‘This is a princess t-shirt, princess jeans, those are princess cowboy boots’ and she’s cool with it. Yeah, she’s kind of obsessed with princesses.”
Apparently she also enjoys accompanying her mom through her beauty routine and putting on pretend makeup.
With Venus in Gemini, Honor is certainly going to love to experiment and be playful with fashion and expressing what she sees as beautiful. But her Venus is also right on top of her Sun, and in a sextile* relationship with her Mars in Leo. Both Leo and the Sun love to shine! With her moon in Leo too, she's a performer at heart and will love to strut her stuff.
But most importantly, let's not forget that Leo is known as the sign of royalty: the regal pride of Leo is shown in its animal representative, the King of the Jungle, the Lion. Princess cowboy boots for Honor? Mais, oui!
*When two planets are sextile each other, they tend to 'light each other up', working well together and even bringing out the best in each other. A sextile is known as harmonious.
Photo: GSI MediaWith Venus in Gemini, Honor is certainly going to love to experiment and be playful with fashion and expressing what she sees as beautiful. But her Venus is also right on top of her Sun, and in a sextile* relationship with her Mars in Leo. Both Leo and the Sun love to shine! With her moon in Leo too, she's a performer at heart and will love to strut her stuff.
But most importantly, let's not forget that Leo is known as the sign of royalty: the regal pride of Leo is shown in its animal representative, the King of the Jungle, the Lion. Princess cowboy boots for Honor? Mais, oui!
*When two planets are sextile each other, they tend to 'light each other up', working well together and even bringing out the best in each other. A sextile is known as harmonious.