In celebration of Father's Day, Mlle. Kiddie looks at daddy-kiddo relationships this month.
Tom and Suri Cruise
Suri has strong signatures of independence all throughout her chart. An Aries Sun, which wants to be free to explore the world, fearlessly; an Aquarius Rising, which reveals a desire to show her individuality and a reluctance to let anyone get her to conform to what they expect, and Uranus, the planet of individuality is very close to her Venus, the planet of relationship, revealing that while she shows tenderness and empathy to those she relates to, she's always keeping part of herself separate enough not get so deep into the desires of another that she loses her connection to herself.
Tom's Jupiter lands very close to Suri's Venus/Uranus. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, and it's reflected in its astrological meaning: it wants us to be as big as we possible can. It is the planet of our potential, our greatness, and the possibilities of life. It is represented by the Roman God, Jove, and 'jovial', generous, larger than life figures such as Santa Clause, embody the Jupiter influence in our lives. Since Tom's Jupiter connects to Suri's Venus & Uranus, he can infuse her with a sense of encouragement, especially for her individuality and right to express herself any way she pleases. In an recent interview, Tom said "She wears what she wants to wear and we allow her that creativity. She’s just very special. An extraordinary little girl." Since Venus rules fashion and Uranus expressions of individuality, Tom's encouragement (Jupiter) of her right to express herself through fashion and creativity is a perfect example of the Jupiter connection between them.
Tom's Sun also lands right at the midway point between Suri's south and north nodes. Suri's south node lies in Libra in the 7th house, which can indicate a tendency to hang back too much and wait for others' to take the lead, trying to focus too much on being nice or getting another to like you rather than holding your own and following your own path. Suri will be watching Tom carefully for examples of how to work through this lesson.
photo credit: Ramey