It's been said in astrology (more than once!) that mom is Moon and dad is Sun or sometimes Saturn. But dads have moons too! Here's a quick glimpse at how dads (or moms!) might show their love and affection for their little and not-so-little ones!
The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) show their love and affection through play and adventure. They encourage their children to grow up feeling confident in who they are and not to hold back from life out of fear or insecurity. They may tend to try to comfort feelings by encouraging them to buck up or bounce back more often than indulgence or wallowing.
The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) show their love and affection in practical ways, making sure their child's needs are well met - anything from good nutrition, to good routines, and a sense of order. They want to empower their children to take responsibility for themselves, their actions, and their belongings. They may tend to comfort feelings by helping them to look at a situation practically, asking "what can we learn from this" or "where do we go from here?"
The air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) try to nurture their child's curiosity and imagination by allowing and encouraging them to experiment. They can be good at helping their children to love learning and encourage closeness through dialogue and sharing opinions. They tend to comfort feelings by getting the child to talk about it but can be prone to explain away feelings with logic.
The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) enjoy shared personal time with their children, spending time in activities where intimacy can be created by getting involved in what they're doing. They also like to encourage their children to dream. They usually understand the intensity and immediacy of children's emotions and tend to comfort feelings through empathizing and hugs.
Want to know what element your moon is in? Create a Kiddiegram for yourself and find out!