In celebration of Father's Day, Mlle. Kiddie looks at daddy-kiddo relationships this month.
Nicholas and Kal-El Cage
Nick was recently quoted saying that he tries to live his home life with a 'sense of normalcy,' which is no surprise since Nick has a great deal of Capricorn in his chart, including his Sun and South Node, and it's all in his first house of 'self'. He is a guy who's use to getting things done independently, taking care of business according to his agenda and probably a hard worker. He has a certain way he likes to run things and doesn't like a lot of chaos in the mix, although he may try to control circumstances too much in an effort to get that 'normalcy'. With a Cancer North Node in the 7th house of partnership and a Libra Moon, he's learning how to stay true to that hard-working and independent identity while recognizing the need for compromise and sharing with important people in his life.
The love for his children will certainly be one of the best outlets for Nick to learn this ability to compromise and share his life, something he probably gets better at with age, as the north node qualities tend to grow over a lifetime. He has a 19 year old son, a Capricorn like Nick, named Weston, and an almost 5 year old, Kal-El.
Kal-El has a wealth of Libra in his chart, including his Sun and Moon. Kal-El was born knowing the art of negotiation! He will need his dad to teach him the kind of Capricorn independence that he has so that Kal-El can learn to think of others as he naturally does but recognize when he needs to focus on his own goals and what he wants to create in his life instead of waiting for others' approval. Kal-El's presence as well as his personality will encourage Nick closer toward his North Node goal.
(Nick's chart is on the inside, Kal-El's on the outside)