Money and fame don’t solve every problem. Celebrity moms have their hopes and worries for their children too. However, I’d like to offer ‘everyday’ moms a chance to see astrology put into action to answer their parenting questions. After all, famous or not, you’re the world to your kids! If you’ve got a question about your child that you’d like Amy to answer, send your questions to amy@heavenlytruth.com.
Lara writes:
What is a good way for Milla to work on focus and discipline?
I'm not sure what you mean by focus and discipline, whether it's schoolwork or following rules or things of that nature, but her natal chart offers plenty of clues in general about the topic.
One of the most profound symbols that shape a personality and is especially strong in a child's chart, is the south node and any planets in a conjunction with that south node, such as Milla has. Uranus is conjunct her Aquarian south node. She entered this life with a strong orientation toward individuality and freedom, which can sometimes reveal itself through rebellious attitudes and contrariness.
Her chart reveals other symbols of a desire for freedom and independence, such as her Sagittarian Moon, which wants to experience life as it happens, doing things in a more casual and haphazard way whenever it interests or suits them. Her Mercury and Jupiter are together in Aries in the 9th house are also about developing a world view around her ability to take charge of her own life through her beliefs and opinions about the world and her part in it. Mars in Scorpio right on the beginning of the 4th house indicates this girl has a bottomless well of strength when she needs it, and is learning to develop an iron will.
It all seems to be boiling down to the likelihood that she's going to have a lot of restless energy that she will want to point in several directions, probably all at once, and a tendency to stubbornly adhere to what she wants to do, although in the face of an authority or 'rule-maker,' she may tend to be sneakier in her rebellion or may intially seem to acquiesce, but it can still lead to a stalemate, with her will against yours in whatever you're trying to get her to do.
I have a couple of strategies to offer. One, because of that Mercury and Jupiter in Aries, if you can help her see why she can be excited or passionate about something, that can make a big difference, especially if it has anything to do with what she's learning, like applying herself in school. She may not be able to relate to the day to day requirements of disciplining oneself to do daily work, but if you can help her see what it can lead to, what she will be able to be free to do, it can help.
The other strategy lies with her Saturn Sun conjunction in Taurus. She is likely to respond more situations that help her to feel that she's able to take matters into her own hands. It can be tough to be a child and having to listen to everyone else's rules with this kind of chart. She's trying to get to know and love herself and her own strengths, so she's got a lot built in that is going to want to reject others telling her who to be or what to do. So getting her behind her own goals and then giving her real support, but enough room to handle a situation in a way she thinks best, can also help.
There are no easy answers here, though, as her personality is never going to fit easily into the kind of mold that maybe a chart with a lot of Virgo or Capricorn might, where the work is its own reward. She's always going to want to do things in her own way and in a more haphazard fashion, but her passion can lead to discipline as she grows into adulthood. With Saturn and the Sun in the 10th house, she will find a lot of stamina and sensibleness when she discovers what she wants to apply it to, and the goals she wants to achieve.