USA Today has a piece yesterday on Gwenyth Paltrow's trainer, Tracy Anderson. The Oscar star has just finished filming the Iron Man sequel.(image credit:By Todd Plitt, USA TODAY ) The glam trainer also trains Gwenyth's pal Madonna.
Libra's are often born beautiful and the star is making sure she stays fit by working out six days a week for an hour and a half or two hours a day that she stays in shape. For those who want to train with Tracy in their homes she has
released the Tracy Anderson Method on three DVD's.
"Apple is an open person. She's Taurus; grounded, calm, funny. Moses is Aries, he's the most sweet, sensitive thing but then he'll kick and karate-chop and spit and tumble. He's a real boy." (source PopSugar.com)

Apple was born May 14. 2004 in London at one am . Her brother Moses was born on April 8, 2006 in New York 9:00 am. ( data CelebAstroBlogy)
Do you have a child who is the birthday twin of Apple (May 14, 2004) or Moses (April 8, 2006)? Let Mlle Kiddie do a graphically enhanced gift Kiddiegram report for your child if they

are an exact birthday twin (same birth date and year). But Birthday are our Business and if you answer by June 22,2009 Mlle Kiddie will do a gift report for a child that simply shares the same special birthday day. Mlle Kiddie just did a Kiddiegram for a charming child born in London who shared the same birthday as Reese Witherspoon's son Deacon. It's easy to email us by going to Contact at Kiddiegram.com