Mademoiselle Kiddie knows only that the pre-schooler arrived with just fourteen hours notice, when she was three: that she is now four and that the star became a Mom overnight.
Nia and her husband Ian Gomez opened up because their daughter was adopted through the help of the American Foster Family Agency and they want to let others know about the Agency and it's work so that it's work can be supported.
Trying to adopt had been a long and frustrating process. But, when we connected with an American Foster Family Agency, it happened very quickly. One night, the phone rang – the social worker told me we'd been "matched" with a 3-year-old girl.
The actress went on:
She arrived without an instruction manual. I didn't know if she had a sleep schedule, food allergies – there wasn't even a note pinned to her shirt. She just walked in and looked up at me, like "got lunch?"
If you have an adoptive child born on Nia's birthday (September 24) and you would like to have an informational manual that she kiddied about not having when their daughter walked into their home! Contact Us with your child's birth data (time am or pm, place of birth, year of birth ) and Lord Kiddie will send you a graphically enhanced Kiddiegram. And of course just as these parents are protecting their adoptive child's privacy Mademoiselle Kiddie's Star Bureau files are always private.