After initially being denied the right to adopt four year Chifundo "Mercy" James, the child she met at an orphanage in Malawi after adopting her son David Banda at another orphanage in central Malawi in 2006, the Supreme Court reversed its earlier decision and ruled in the singers favor today. Malawi took Mercy on Madonna and allowed her to become Mercy's new mother. Mercy's birth mother died at the age of eighteen shortly after giving birth. She has never seen her father. Her mother's family blessed the adoption of the little girl who has been in an orphanage most of her life. Madonna had promised her little Libra son a sister from Malawi.
Mercy will be joining Madonna and her family, Lourdes (her daughter with Carlos Leon) and Rocco (her son with Guy Ritchie) and Malawi son David Banta. Madonna's representative released a statement from Madonna:

The lower court rejected the superstar's bid to adopt Mercy in early April.
Madonna became interested in the plight of Malawi's two million orphans when working on the documentary "I Am Because We Are". She also founded a charity organization that raises money for these parent less children, Raising Malawi.
Her work on behalf ofMalawi's children, in fact, was part
of the reason the Supreme Court reversed it's original
decision denying Madonna the right to adopt Mercy.
David Banta will turn four September 24. He was born in 2005. This birthday he will have the sister from his country
to celebrate with him.
And Mercy will have another sister Lourdes, who she has
already met, who is twelve and a brother Rocco who is eight.
Lourdes will turn 13 October 14, and Rocco will turn nine August 11. 2009.
The court in it's reverse ruling cited a new interpretations of laws of a world as seen as "global village". Madonna's non-residency is now seen in a new light. More specifics in the AP story.
Madonna's lawyer is now arranging Mercy's passport and awaiting news of Madonna's travel plans for her new daughter. Perhaps we will have news of Mercy's birthday when her passport is issued.
Is y
our child a birthday twin? If you have a Libra Child born on September 24, 2005, please contact Kiddiegram and Lord Kiddie will send you a gift graphically enhanced Kiddiegram. Please provide your child's name, date of birth, year of birth, place of birth and time (am or pm) of birth. Offer will expire October 1, 2009.

earlier posts: Madonna's One in Two Million Bid Rejected; Starlight, Starbright Madonna and Guy Say Goodnight