Lance Armstrong's first child
with Anne Henson is about
three weeks old. He made
his debut on the planet with
a tweet on his Dad's twitter page
@lancearmstrong saying:
with Anne Henson is about
three weeks old. He made
his debut on the planet with
a tweet on his Dad's twitter page
@lancearmstrong saying:
"Wassup, world? My name is Max Armstrong and I just arrived.
Yesterday this photo on a Yfrog link from a tweet appeared with this caption:
@maxarmstrong1 says his crib rocks. So much so he's asleep
So in typical Gemini fashion, this Twitter baby has his own twitter page so Lord Kiddie @kiddiegram will be following him on Twitter (for those without a twitter account go to: www.twitter.com/maxarmstrong1) (www.twitter.com/kiddiegram)
earlier post: Second Gemini Twitter Baby