Libra Hugh Jackson (October 12, 1968 Sydney, Australia) and his wife Deborra Lee Furness adopted children Oscar Maximillian (Born May 15, 2000) and Ava Eliot (born July 10, 2005) They currently live in Manhattan, NY. The couple is said to be interested in adding to their multi-racial family.
The Wolverine star has said of adoption:
"Adoption is about taking a baby into your home and heart. It's the best thing we've ever done.

Mlle Kiddie doesn't know where this Kiddie Star was born or at what time, so can only check that Oscar's Sun is in Taurus (conjunct Jupiter and Saturn) and his Moon is in Libra. Since Jackman is a Libra this Moon/Sun connection is a very nice aspect to have between father and son. Oscar turns nine years old this Friday.
Happy Ninth Birthday Oscar! from the desk of Mademoiselle Kiddie.

If you have a child with a Sun in Taurus and a Moon in Libra contact Mlle Kiddie and she will mail you a postcard for a gift Kiddiegram report for your child. Just send the link to your child's mini-report and chart wheel which will tell you their sun and moon signs. This report can be calculated for free online in real time. She gets mail at both net and com.
Photo Credit: Carlos Costas/Pacific Coast News