Victoria's Secret Angel Adriana Francesca Lima is expecting a baby with her NBA-player husband Marko Jaric (October 12, 1978 Belgrade, Servia, Yugoslavia) The couple got engaged on her 27th birthday last year and eloped on Valentine's day this year to marry in Jackson Hole Wyoming. Lima is a Gemini born June 12, 1981 in Salvador de Bahi, Brazil.
Lima is due this winter. So Mlle Kiddie's looking at a couple of Mommy maternity tees, the duo could have a Sagittarius Baby. Or maybe a Scorpio. Or maybe a Capricorn child. Mlle Kiddie hopes

for a Francesca (her Mama's middle name) if the baby is a girl.
Are you pregnant now expecting a winter baby? Email Lord Kiddie at Kiddiegram and sign up for a drawing for a Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn Tee. (all we need is an email address) Drawing will be on June 30th and winner can choose their tee. And when your baby is born Mlle Kiddie will do a printed Kiddiegram report for your little Scorpio, Capricorn or Sagittarius child. If your child turns out to be an astral twin to Lima and Jaric's child, we will also add a Kiddiecam.