Leo Sun Sign, Halle Berry confronted the paparazzi over the weekend in front of the cafe. She's very protective of her Pisces daughter Nahla. And looks very much like a mother lion defending her cub in the photo below.

More relaxed photos of the mother daughter duo can be found at glambabybumps.
It turns out Mlle Kiddie does not have a precise time of birth for Halle (August 14, 1966, Cleveland Heights, Ohio) so can only say that she may have a Moon in Cancer if she's born before noon. If Berry was born in the afternoon or evening she would have a Moon in Leo.

Nahla's Kiddie Star Wheel /Nahla's Star Signs Kiddiegram
Nahla has a Moon in Cancer....As Mademoiselle Kiddie notes:
Nahla has an especially close emotional and psychic tie to her mother, and she feels very strongly whatever her mother is feeling, whether Mother is outwardly expressing herself or not. Nahla's intuitive perception and sensitivity is very pronounced, particularly to those closest to her. In later life, she is apt to become overly dependent on friends, spouses, or her own children, unless she has had a very warm and solid relationship with her mother.

If you have a Pisces child born on the same date and year as Nahla in March contact Kiddiegram by June 30, 2009 and we'll send a Pisces Coffee or Tea Mug out to you from the Kiddiegram Boutique. Well of course you will email a copy of the birth certificate! or mail Lord Kiddie a photo copy to win this AstroTwin award . If you prefer NOT to send a certificate we can mail you a Deluxe Kiddiegram report. Contact Us.