Their two Star Kiddies, six year old Aries daughter Carys and eight year old Leo son Dylan have probably never seen their Mom shampoo her hair. (Previous Posts: Michael Douglas In Awe of Kids Talents)
And now a seven minute mini "film" advert for Lux Shampoo called "The Alchemist"will begin airing in Japan and China (already on the internet) with a story line that features their Mom in the part of a lab technician who steals a "life enhancing elixir" .....click on the You Tube mini-film to see the story. Although the screenplay was filmed in English it will appear with subtitles and an edited version will appear in some cinemas.

Sometimes kids are embarrassed about what their parents do but Mademoiselle Kiddie thinks these two Kiddie Star Kids with suns in fire signs and fire moons in Sagittarius will like seeing their Mom in this really lux setting. Maybe they can even kiddiecam their Mom in this pioneering venture.
Unilever has used celebrity Moms like Brooke Shields and Jennifer Connelly in their Japanese TV ad campaign along with actress Penelope Cruz.
On September 25th, Lord Kiddie will draw from our list of everyone who enters our mon
thly Lucky Draw list starting today to give away a free "Fall Equinox" Kiddiec
am Flip Camcorder, so simple to use that you just take a video and "flip" out the ingenious connection to your computer to upload, no cords! So elegant and fun. If you would like to enter, sign up for the Lucky Draw and you may win a printed Kiddiegram report or a free electronic report and you will automatically be in the running for this adorable little Kiddiecam, our Flip camcorder with your choice of zodiac designs. You can see the Kiddiecam in the drawings above! As one nine year old said of their family's Kiddiecam, "it's the coolest thing ever" Let your kids make their own seven minute movie of you shampooing your hair! Sign up on the link for Lucky Draw above, or go to Testimonials on Kiddiegram.com.

Previous Posts: Michael Douglas In Awe of Kids Talents