In a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Beyoncé told him over tea that she couldn't wait to be 30, although she did think she'd have a baby by the time she was 30:
"I feel like 30 is the ideal age, because you're mature enough to know who you are and have your boundaries and your standards and not be afraid or too polite, but young enough to be a young woman. I'm so looking forward to it."
"I always said I'd have a baby at 30. I'm 29. But I also said I was going to retire at 30. I'm not retiring."
This kind of talk about turning 30 is not uncommon. Feeling like it's time to grow up, feeling like one is (or should be) more mature, and starting to think about settling down and raising a family can happen at any age, but that clock seems to really get ticking when approaching and crossing the threshold of one's 30th birthday. Part of this is the cultural recognition that once you're out of the teenage years and have done enough experimenting and 'finding yourself', you should start to become a solid member of society, so there's cultural pressure, but it also can come from the inside.
Beyoncé's statements are very consistent with an astrological phenomenon that everyone experiences between the ages of 29 and 30: the Saturn return, when Saturn makes its way entirely around your natal chart and returns to the place it was at the time of your birth. When Saturn returns, we are prompted to evaluate our life, think about what we want to commit to and build, to make real in our life.

Beyoncé's birth time is not publicly known, so a sunrise chart has been cast. While Mlle. Kiddie does not know what house Saturn falls in for Beyoncé, we know it is in Libra and in a conjunction with Jupiter, a planet of expansion, growth, potential, optimism, and belief (faith as well as confidence in oneself and life).
With Jupiter right next to Saturn, she tends to reach no lower than the stars (Jupiter) with whatever goals she decides she wants to accomplish (Saturn). If that turns out to be a baby, not much will stop her! But no doubt, her Saturn return will see her entering a bigger and better phase of her life, feeling optimistic and grounded. In the sign of Libra, perhaps issues of relationship may be evaluated in her life, deepening commitments to those she wants to keep in her life, and considering which ones she's outgrown (or needs to outgrow).
Mlle. Kiddie will certainly be at the ready to cast a chart if Beyoncé decides a 'pitter patter' is in her future!
Beyoncé's statements are very consistent with an astrological phenomenon that everyone experiences between the ages of 29 and 30: the Saturn return, when Saturn makes its way entirely around your natal chart and returns to the place it was at the time of your birth. When Saturn returns, we are prompted to evaluate our life, think about what we want to commit to and build, to make real in our life.

Beyoncé's birth time is not publicly known, so a sunrise chart has been cast. While Mlle. Kiddie does not know what house Saturn falls in for Beyoncé, we know it is in Libra and in a conjunction with Jupiter, a planet of expansion, growth, potential, optimism, and belief (faith as well as confidence in oneself and life).
With Jupiter right next to Saturn, she tends to reach no lower than the stars (Jupiter) with whatever goals she decides she wants to accomplish (Saturn). If that turns out to be a baby, not much will stop her! But no doubt, her Saturn return will see her entering a bigger and better phase of her life, feeling optimistic and grounded. In the sign of Libra, perhaps issues of relationship may be evaluated in her life, deepening commitments to those she wants to keep in her life, and considering which ones she's outgrown (or needs to outgrow).
Mlle. Kiddie will certainly be at the ready to cast a chart if Beyoncé decides a 'pitter patter' is in her future!