From Arthur's Kiddiegram:
Mars in Gemini:The South Node tends to show up right away in children, sometimes even before they display the traits of their sun signs, so he may appear very "Geminian" early in his life--wanting lots of stimulus, probably talking and reading very early, as well as walking early (an extra curious kid needs to get around and see the world, don't ya know!), as well as possibly not sleeping as much as some kids (sorry mom and dad!) Gemini is very active and restless energy, so they may not get too lucky with Arthur sleeping through the night. Here's hoping he was born earlier in the day with a Taurus Moon, so mom and dad can sleep here and there!
Arthur Saint is a busy bee, always active, restless, and on-the-go, but he tends to lack concentration and stamina. He tends to run on nervous energy. He uses cleverness, words, and reasoning power to defend himself rather than force.
Congrats to the new family!
Photo of Selma Blair used under the Creative CommonsAttribution 2.0 Generic license. Credit: LGEPR