Ramona Sarsgaard became a big sister on April 19th! Gloria Ray was born to Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard.
Born on the last day of Aries, Mlle. Kiddie can't be sure if Gloria is officially an Aries or a Taurus, as the sun changed signs at about noon. Whatever the case, she's got Aries covered, with three planets in this sign, including the moon. With a quick-acting Aries moon and quick thinking Gemini south node, she's likely to be into everything!

Big sister Ramona has three planets in Libra, so the differences between these two may become apparent early on, since Aries and Libra are opposing signs and create friction between each other. However, the bond can be quite strong in situations like these as well.
Congrats to the Sarsgaard family!