Pearl was born under the steadfast and practical Taurus Sun, but she's got to keep up with the Osbourne family and her chart shows she should have no problem doing so! Her moon in Gemini very easily adapts to the world around her (although her Mars in Virgo will like to have things just so). The strong connection between Mercury and Uranus paired up in feisty Aries is the one to watch. She'll have opinions and have no problem sharing them. She won't need much encouragement in being outspoken!

Learning north node behaviors happen over the course of a lifetime, but Ozzy's just had a great tutor enter his life: granddaughter Pearl. Pearl's Sun is in Taurus, and it lays right over Ozzy's north node. Her essential nature will automatically connect with this need in him, providing him not only a reason to stop and smell the roses, but a built-in example in "beingness."
Congrats to the Osbourne family!
*birth time of Pearl unknown. A sunrise chart has been cast.
image of Jack Osbourne is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Credit: David Shankbone
Image of Ozzy Osbourne is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Credit: Jennifer