Monroe's and Moroccan's chart shows Gemini ascendant and a Gemini south node, so they've got a double dose of Gemini to double their trouble. One of the primary characteristics of Gemini is curiosity. If anything can be pried open or pulled apart, they will do it just to see how something works.
Gemini loves a puzzle, and Aries loves a challenge. The twins share no less than 6 planets in the sign of Aries, so they know what they want and will not be at all patient in going after it. While babies will eventually get frustrated when they can't make something work, this pair is not likely to give up easily. Their tenacious Taurus Sun coupled with the single-minded passion of Aries will serve them well in getting what they want. The urge to pull things apart and investigate, coupled with a drive to do it impulsively and without hesitation, will surely set an incredibly fast pace for mom and dad. Distracting them may be mom and dad's only defense!
Image of Nick Cannon is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Credit: David Shankbone