"I can already tell his mannerisms and behaviors with his pretend girlfriends. He'll be ahead of the guys because he's very honest with his emotions and shows affection. So he's got that covered. But he doesn't like it when anyone is sad and disappointed and I'm afraid a girl might play that card."

Evan also has Neptune opposite his Moon, which tends to reveal a very open heart (sometimes too open!) With Neptune aligns with the moon in any way, intuition, imagination, and creativity can certainly be present in high amounts, but most of all, it can indicate a highly empathetic heart, one who is sensitive to the moods of others around them and can relate sometimes too well to what others are feeling, even if they don't understand why someone may be feeling a certain way. Looks like Jenny knows her son well!
Image of Jenny McCarthy is is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Credit: Michael Dorausch