Alyssa Milano welcomed her first child with husband, David Bugliari, on the morning of August 31st:

Milo was born while Saturn was in the Moon’s neighborhood; as you can see, they are both very close to Milo’s Libra Ascendant (Saturn right smack on!) The Ascendant is one’s overall approach to life, and how they seem to be to others. With Saturn here, Milo will develop a more serious demeanor. Although his Libra Rising makes him well-versed at knowing the ins and outs of getting along in the social world, he may not be easy to get to know, as his moon, the shy, inner child in us all, is guarded by Saturn and hanging back a bit in the hidden 12th house, with Saturn being more prominent on the ‘stage’ of Milo’s life.

Mars, the planet of our personal will, drive, and action, is in Cancer, which bends an interest toward nurturing, and in the 10th house of public identity and career, he could quite easily become known for his dedication for simply making the world a better place with his own two hands!
Image of Alyssa Milano licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license