Bristol Palin (daughter of presidential hopeful Sarah Palin) and her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Levi Johnston, seem to be on again. On the cover of US Weekly magazine, Bristol and Levi smile happily while holding their 18 month old son Tripp.
Tripp has a striking natal chart, with a whopping 6 planets in the sign of Capricorn, including his Sun and Moon. Capricorn is a sign that thrives on responsibility and feeling like they are in control of things and on track with their goals.
As Tripp grows, it is quite likely that his predisposition to always wanting to do the right and responsible thing will have him maturing fast (perhaps even faster than his young parents!), maybe leading to him feeling like he bears more burden and responsibility than a young child should. With all these planets in the 2nd house, he will really have a desire to prove himself, to be productive, and to see results of his actions paying off.
As a young child, Tripp's parents are likely to see the great pleasure he takes in a job well done and how grown up he feels when he can handle things himself. Giving him tasks that he can accomplish and trusting him to do them in the way he sees fit will build a strong sense of pride for him. Here's more from his Kiddiegram:
As Tripp grows, it is quite likely that his predisposition to always wanting to do the right and responsible thing will have him maturing fast (perhaps even faster than his young parents!), maybe leading to him feeling like he bears more burden and responsibility than a young child should. With all these planets in the 2nd house, he will really have a desire to prove himself, to be productive, and to see results of his actions paying off.
As a young child, Tripp's parents are likely to see the great pleasure he takes in a job well done and how grown up he feels when he can handle things himself. Giving him tasks that he can accomplish and trusting him to do them in the way he sees fit will build a strong sense of pride for him. Here's more from his Kiddiegram:
"Tripp is an industrious, rather serious, practical little person, not the light, frivolous, happy-go-lucky type. To feel secure, he needs structure and a clearly defined set of rules and boundaries. He finds comfort in rituals and traditions. Little things like coming to pick him up exactly when you said you would mean a lot to him. He likes to know what to expect."
Want to find out more about your little (or not-so-little) one? Get their unique Kiddiegram instantly online!