"I have pictures of him looking at books and flash cards when he's just sitting up. I have one picture where I was reading a book on Buddha and Buddhism and his face is in there, looking at the words.
"We went through four books" she says of reading with him the night before). "He's known his numbers and alphabet for some time now, and it's clearly from reading..."
It's easy to say that most kids have 'brains like sponges', feeding their curiosity ravenously with anything they can get their hands on, but there are a number of ways a child can do that, outside of reading. Jack, almost 3 years old, seems to have come out of the womb an avid reader, a fact that is no surprise to an astrologer.
Jack has the planet Mercury close to his South Node. The South Node represents our habits and norms, what we are used to and in many ways what we are naturally good at. Mercury represents anything to do with the mind or the voice, such as learning, communicating, and of course, reading.
Mercury is in the sign of Virgo, which allows Jack to easily take note of all the details and an inherent understanding of how the structure of something is set up and broken down. For instance, it probably makes great sense to Jack that sentences are made of words which are made of letters, so he can understand each component like a puzzle and fit them together easily.
It also doesn't hurt that he's got his Moon (the emotional heart of us) in Sagittarius which has a love of learning and new experiences, something that he's probably already discovered that books can provide for him. He also has Mars, a planet that represents our desires in the ever-curious sign of Gemini, so his love of learning will be lifelong. Future scientist? We'll see!

Mercury is in the sign of Virgo, which allows Jack to easily take note of all the details and an inherent understanding of how the structure of something is set up and broken down. For instance, it probably makes great sense to Jack that sentences are made of words which are made of letters, so he can understand each component like a puzzle and fit them together easily.
It also doesn't hurt that he's got his Moon (the emotional heart of us) in Sagittarius which has a love of learning and new experiences, something that he's probably already discovered that books can provide for him. He also has Mars, a planet that represents our desires in the ever-curious sign of Gemini, so his love of learning will be lifelong. Future scientist? We'll see!