Lourdes 'Lola' Leon, is launching a clothing line in August appropriate called Material Girl, with the help of her mother, Madonna. Madonna insists it's Lola vision and design, with her mom just helping in the promotion while Lola's school schedule is so busy.
Madonna says Lola became intrigued by fashion around 8 years old when Stella McCartney started showing her the ropes of fashion and asking her input.
Lourdes has a great deal of Libra energy in her chart, which is often associated with artists of any kind because of its natural ability to have a feeling for what is beautiful and feels balanced. Venus, which rules Libra, often points to our sense of style and what we feel is beautiful. Venus is in Virgo in Lola's chart, which can give her aesthetic a sense of refinement. We'll also probably see some elements of a hard yet fantastical edge with Pluto squaring her Pisces ascendant.
Lola has Saturn conjunct her South Node in Aries in the first house, which reveals a likely ability to step right into a leadership role, so Madonna's hands off approach is probably a good one. Lola will probably be pushing herself every step of the way with the Aries hunger to pursue what she wants. However, with her north node and Sun in Libra, she'll really benefit from feeling like she's not alone in her endeavor, and a guiding hand that feels supportive or even a partner can help keep her grounded.
Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage