The first daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is 5 years old today. Zahara was born in Ethiopia and adopted by Angelina and Brad when she was about 6 months old. After being treated for some health problems, such as malnutrition and dehydration, she was back on her feet (so to speak) and the comedienne of the Jolie-Pitt family! Angelina has repeatedly remarked that Zahara is 'probably the funniest person' she's ever met in her life and that she 'keeps the house from being quiet.' No doubt that is due to Zahara's 5 planets in Sagittarius - which is half of her chart! Sagittarius loves to explore and travel, so the moving around and the eclectic origins of her family will definitely be taken in stride by Sahara.
Angelina has also discussed the effects of the Paparazzi on the children. While she says they all have different reactions, Zahara can become quite frightened. She said in one interview: "Zahara hates photography. It makes her very nervous when she’s in the car. A lot of people say to us that she looks very serious. It’s because she’s actually upset when there’s a camera near her. She doesn’t like it."
While Sagittarius can sometimes be described as easy-going or happy-go-lucky, Zahara's Sun is actually in the sign of Capricorn, and it is opposed by Saturn in Cancer. From Zahara's Kiddiegram:
Sometimes Zahara may feel like she has the weight of the world on her back, and you will need to help her keep her perspective and not take everything so much to heart. She is very responsible, conscientious, and mature, even as a youngster. It is hard for her to let down her guard and to relax.
While more may be revealed if we had a birth time for Zahara, her concern for her family and safety is likely already fairly strong. It is often remarked that kids with Capricorn always seem to have the appearance or actions of older children or even adults because they can be very wrapped up in making sure that they live up to their responsibilities. Saturn opposed her Sun illustrates an emphasis on her sense of responsibility, and in the family oriented sign of Cancer, she's likely to feel very protective.
Brad Pitt's ex, Jennifer Aniston, was recently in the news for 'being the force behind a new anti-Paparazzi law' The new law, which became effective January 1 of this year, allows for civil penalties against the paparazzi and other media outlets that sell and buy photographs or video footage that are obtained unlawfully of celebrities and their families. While that's just a first step, hopefully Zahara will enjoy benefits of those around her interested in her protection, not only her family, but those like Jennifer who especially want to protect celebrity children from being bombarded and feeling unsafe.
Photos courtesy of Flynet/Fame, Celebrity Baby Blog, and INF.