Perhaps their parents will take a time-out from their wrangling and allow the nine year old twins to celebrate their birthday with both of their Aries parents taking time with them.
E-Online followed Dad Jon to a Swatch store.
Jon said he'd like to get the Dragon flik flak watch for Cara and the Mermaid watch for Mady.
Kate said she's planning to make a chocolate cake from scratch. She's also limiting the time of Jon's visit from four to six pm.
This ninth birthday greeting card available from greetingcards.barnados.org.
The girls share many similar aspects being born within six minutes of each other. Their Moon is in the sign of Aquarius conjunct the planet Uranus. Mlle Kiddie has done a solar chart wheel as she doesn't know the exact time they were born.

Their joint Kiddiegram notes that they have Sun trine Jupiter
(they are born in Hershey Pennsylvania, home of the Candy Kiss!)
It may seem that life is always on Cara and Mady's side, and that Fortune smiles on them more than on most people. Mostly that stems from the fact the they do not worry a lot and they seem always to expect everything to turn out well for them. They are generous and large-spirited, and the world responds to them in kind. The only drawback is that they may not be inclined to push themselves, to work hard, or to be very motivated to develop the gifts and opportunities they have.
If you have a child born October 8, 2000 who is a birthday twin of Cara and Mady Contact Lord Kiddie at Kiddiegram and he will have Mademoiselle Kiddie send you a gift code to calculate a Kiddiegram for your child