He’s doing well, [the] little man. He’s at that age where it’s hard for him to understand. He’s not old enough to explain to him what’s happening but he’s old enough that he knows something’s happening. So, at first he was unsure, but now he gives her kisses goodnight. It’s really sweet.
Liam Aaron McDermott was born on March 13, 2007 in Los Angeles. We don't have his precise birth time so can't do a complete Kiddiegram. In an interesting piece of synchronicity, he was born on 3/13 and Stella was born at 3:13 pm. Liam's middle name of Aaron is a tribute to his maternal grandfather the late legendary TV producer Aaron Spelling who created 90210.
Both kids have their Moon in Earth Signs, Liam's is in Capricorn and Stella's is in Virgo, so they share similar temperaments.
Take a peek at Stella's Astrology Chart Wheel and Kiddiegram