"The horrific, horrible terrible twos have already begun! If they don't wanna go, they'll just drop and wait, both of them! It's like a sit-in protest. They're like, 'Nope, we're doing a sit-in.' It's so annoying!"
These kids will only get more persistent in their ability to doggedly pursue what they want (and protest what they don't want!) With no less than six planets in Capricorn, they will develop the ability early on in their lives to set their sights on a goal or achievement and see just how to get there. Capricorn kids tend to be quite calculating because they have the gift of being able to see the practical steps to get from A to Z and will maneuver whatever they must to get there, in some cases. They also have the stamina to reach their goal rather than just dream about it. While their goals may be simple at this stage, they will become more ambitious over time and their ability to meet those goals will pace their ability to dream new ones up!
Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is especially strong for these two. When two planets approach the same position (a conjunction), there is often still a small distance between the two of them. The closer they are together, the stronger their shared influence in a person's life. Dolly and Charlie's Mars and Pluto are as close as they can possibly get, shooting the planets' collective strength into the stratosphere.
Mars represents our will, passion, drive and ambition. It's how we go after what we want. It's in Capricorn as well, a sign that sets its sights and doesn't stop until its achieved what it desires (even if along the way it should have reconsidered!) With Pluto conjunct, it gives Mars extra oomph, which can be beneficial for achieving their dreams, but can often manifest a shadow side of behavior, one that is manipulative and driven to succeed no matter what the cost or who is hurt. Mom and dad will have to teach the twins to temper their desires with patience, humility, and compassion.
If mom and dad think they're seeing fleeting 'terrible twos' stubbornness, they're in for a surprise. These gals have not even begun to fight!

Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is especially strong for these two. When two planets approach the same position (a conjunction), there is often still a small distance between the two of them. The closer they are together, the stronger their shared influence in a person's life. Dolly and Charlie's Mars and Pluto are as close as they can possibly get, shooting the planets' collective strength into the stratosphere.
Mars represents our will, passion, drive and ambition. It's how we go after what we want. It's in Capricorn as well, a sign that sets its sights and doesn't stop until its achieved what it desires (even if along the way it should have reconsidered!) With Pluto conjunct, it gives Mars extra oomph, which can be beneficial for achieving their dreams, but can often manifest a shadow side of behavior, one that is manipulative and driven to succeed no matter what the cost or who is hurt. Mom and dad will have to teach the twins to temper their desires with patience, humility, and compassion.
If mom and dad think they're seeing fleeting 'terrible twos' stubbornness, they're in for a surprise. These gals have not even begun to fight!