Tuesday, December 16, 2014

November CeleBaby RoundUp Featuring John Nash Chatham

Wes Chatham
Wes Chatham (Hunger Games: Mockingjay) and Jenn Brown welcomed their first child, a Sagittarius baby boy they named John Nash, at 5:33 pm on November 24th.

Like dad's Hunger Games character, Castor, baby boy John has the heart of a rebel! His 'outta-my-way-world' Aries south node with freedom-seeking Uranus nearby shows that he's hitting the ground running, so to speak, and will probably be eager to move and explore just as soon as his baby legs can do it. With a curious Gemini Ascendant and adventurous Sagittarius Sun, mom and dad won't be able to keep this kid out of anything for long! 

His practical Capricorn Moon will crave some stability and routine, though, and will help keep him focused on achieving what he wants. With all that fiery Sagittarius energy to back him up, there's no stopping this guy when he knows what he wants!

Mlle. Kiddle also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in November:
  • Tyler Perry (actor, director, screenwriter) is a new dad! His first child, a Sagittarius son named Aman, was born on November 30th.
  • Gaby Hoffman (Now and Then, The Girls) had her first baby, a Scorpio girl named Rosemary, at home on November 19.
  • Scott Foley (Scandal, Felicity) and wife Marika welcomed their third child, a Scorpio son named Konrad, on November 13th.
  • Poppy Montgomery (Without a Trace, Unforgettable) had her second child, a Scorpio boy named Gus, on November 11th.
  • Update! Zoe Saldana (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Marco Perego welcomed Sagittarius twin boys on November 27th, named Cy and Bowie.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sagittarius Signature Star Child: Sammy Kai Schreiber

Samuel "Sammy" Kai, son and second child of Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber,
is our Sagittarius Signature Star Child!

With a lively Sagittarius Sun boosted by nearby Mars, soon-to-be 6-year-old Sammy is likely a very active little boy! Sagittarius is a sign that needs a lot of room for play and spontaneity and plenty of fun. With Mars, the planet that best represents our physical energy output, also in Sagittarius, Sammy will probably enjoy physical play immensely, whether it's wrestling with his dad or kicking a soccer ball. He's likely to be restless so finding outlets for that energy will be important for mom and dad's sanity!

His Sun and Mars are also in a tense relationship, a square, with Uranus, the planet of freedom and individuality. He'll need a lot of room to run not only physically, but in all ways, and will tend to respond with rapid frustration when he feels fenced in or forced. However, with Mercury in sensible Capricorn, he'll probably respond easily enough to reason (once he's calmed down!)

More from Sammy's Kiddiegram:

MERCURY represents thinking and reasoning processes, the way your child's mind works, his intellectual inclinations and way of communicating ideas.
Mercury in Capricorn:

     Samuel Schreiber is a deep thinker, and he has a rather cautious, skeptical, and serious mind. Pragmatic and concrete-minded, he requires proof before embracing a new idea. He may be rather quiet and taciturn, also.
Mercury Conjunct Pluto:
Mom Naomi Watts & Dad Liev Schreiber
     Samuel Schreiber likes to solve mysteries and to delve into the hidden, secretive, or unknown aspects of life. He is not content with superficial explanations and is skeptical of simple, pat answers. His probing analysis and questions can make others uncomfortable, especially because he does not like to reveal much about himself. He has the mind of an in-depth researcher, private investigator, spy, or psychoanalyst.

Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!
If you have a child born on December 13, 2008 then they are a birthday twin of Sammy!
Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
You will receive a free Kiddiegram!

Previous Sagittarius Signature Star Children:
Romy Coppola Mars
Hazel and Phinnaeus Moder
Violet Affleck

Check out other Sagittarius celebri-tots in Hollywood!
*Since there is no birth time published for Sammy, a noon chart has been used. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so his Kiddiegram does not contain any inaccurate information.

Image credit: "Naomi Watts, Liev Schreiber" by Joella Marano - Naomi Watts, Liev Schreiber. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

October CeleBaby Round Up Featuring Briar Rose Christensen

Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson are new parents! They welcomed Scorpio girl Briar Rose on October 29th,

Her name is inspired by the tale of Sleeping Beauty, and she'll certainly have the charm and grace of the mythic princess, with Venus--the planet of beauty, grace, and charm--in a conjunction with her Sun, which represents her central identity. In dramatic Scorpio, she'll probably get all the attention she wants and more, with her magnetic personality. She'll no doubt wrap her parents around each pinky finger!

Briar has a strong practical side as well, with three planets in Capricorn, including Mars, Pluto, and the Moon. This little one's got a strong will and when she sets her mind to something, she'll achieve her goal!

Mlle. Kiddle also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in October:
  • Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivery welcomed their second child via surrogate on October 2nd, Libra Sienna May.
  • Ryan Murphy and David Miller also said hello to their second child, Libra son Ford Miller, on October 3rd.
  • The first child for Ashley Williams and Neal Dodson arrived on October 5th, also a Libra whom they named Gus Williams.
Image: Kaleb Tittle [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, November 10, 2014

Scorpio Signature Star Child: Mattea Angel Backus

Mattea Angel, first child and daughter of actress/producer Mira Sorvino
and her actor husband Christopher Backus,
is our Scorpio Signature Star Child!

Mattea was born with the Sun in Scorpio, just like her daddy who celebrated his 33rd birthday four days earlier. Mercury and the south node were also in Scorpio when Mattea was born, intensifying this already intense influence in her chart. Mattea may like pushing the boundaries and tend to go to extremes, feeling everything deeply. Her curiosity will no know bounds with Mercury, the planet of intellect, in penetrating Scorpio. She may be able to keep a secret, but if she thinks one's being kept from her, she'll be relentless in finding out the truth. She has a particularly sensitive radar and can tell when she's not getting the full story. 

Mom Mira Sorvino
A highlight of her natal chart is the cozy Venus-Jupiter relationship in friendly Libra, which is also in a comfortable trine to Neptune. These three planets acting in unity balance the shrewd and sometimes cynical overtones of Scorpio with optimism and hopefulness. You can't pull the wool over her eyes, but she's still willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt! 

More on this from her Kiddiegram:
Venus Conjunct Jupiter:
 Generous and open-hearted, Mattea Backus likes to help, inspire or cheer up her friends. She does not understand pettiness at all; when she gives a gift or entertains her friends, she likes to do so on a grand scale. Her taste for quality or luxury can sometimes degenerate into extravagance, wastefulness, and a lack of moderation.

Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!
If you have a child born on November 3, 2004 then they are a birthday twin of Mattea!
 Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
You will receive a free Kiddiegram!
Previous Scorpio Signature Star Children:
Matilda Ledger
Sunny Madeline Sandler
Zoe Grace & Thomas Boone Quaid

Check out other Scorpio celebri-tots in Hollywood!
*Since there is no birth time published for Mattea, a noon chart has been used. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so her Kiddiegram does not contain any inaccurate information.

Image credit: gdcgraphics [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

September CeleBaby Round Up Featuring Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky

Chelsea ClintonCongratulations are in order for the Clintons! Chelsea Clinton and her husband Mark Mezvinsky are first-time parents, and former president Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton are first-time grandparents as of September 26th!  Chelsea's Libra daughter Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky was born at 7:03 pm in New York.

Born into a political family, she'll no doubt have her own opinions with which to weigh in on the major issues. With both the Sun and Mercury in fair-minded Libra, and her powerful Scorpio moon in the 7th house of partnership, she'll be passionate about equality and if she follows in the footsteps of her parents and grandparents in the political arena, she may be inclined to get involved in law and advocacy.

Highly notable is Uranus in Aries, parked on Charlotte's Ascendant, dominating her chart as its ruler. Above all, Charlotte is highly individualistic and will feel strongly about human rights and freedom, including (and especially) her own, being willing to break with convention and sometimes the rules in order to stay true to herself and her beliefs. On a more personal note, Charlotte will be learning a lot about how to peacefully co-exist with others without compromising her own integrity, freedom, or individuality too much.

September was a booming month for Hollywood babies! Mlle. Kiddle also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in September:
  • Libra baby girl Wyatt Isabelle was born on September 30th, the first child of Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis.
  • Scarlett Johansson and Romain Dauriac welcomed their first child on September 4th, a Virgo daughter they named Rose.
  • Also on September 4th, Virgo girl Elizabella Dylan was born to Alyssa Milano and David Bugliari, their second child.
  • Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling became first-time parents to a Virgo baby girl on September 12th, name yet to be announced.

Image: By Kyle Cassidy (identity confirmed) (Own work) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, October 06, 2014

Libra Signature Star Child: Olive Barrymore Kopelman

Olive, daughter of Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman, is our Libra Signature Star Child!

Olive has three planets in Libra, including her Sun and Mercury. While Libra is known primarily as a sign of relationship, it's sometimes overlooked that Libra is really the sign of balance, which includes a tendency toward fair-minded and objective thinking. Libra can be great at seeing both sides of an issue and can entertain another's perspective, even when that perspective is in conflict with their own. Even at a young age, mom and dad may find that Olive is distressed by disagreement and really wants everyone to cooperate and get along, sometimes playing the peacemaker in her family if needed.

As a bonus, Olive's Mercury is in a snug trine aspect with generous Jupiter, which also lends an optimistic turn of mind. Olive will have a tendency to look on the bright side and will probably be a ray of sunshine when others are down, able to turn things around and cheer others up easily when she puts her mind to it. 

Jupiter is in broad-minded Gemini, so she'll have a love of stories and learning of all kinds. More on Jupiter in Gemini from her Kiddiegram:
 Jupiter in Gemini:
 This is the child who as a baby wants to be carried everywhere--not only for closeness and company but also in order to see what's happening.  She excels at gathering information and at what we adults might refer to as "networking."  She'll make the acquaintance of everyone in the neighborhood, loves talking long distance on the telephone, and would truly enjoy having foreign pen pals or visiting some distant land as an exchange student.  Making these connections gives her confidence in herself.

 As a very young child, Olive Barrymore Kopelman will have an insatiable desire for stories.  Story tapes can satisfy this in part, but she'll really prefer being told stories.  She is a lover of knowledge, words, ideas, gadgets, even trivial information for its own sake. She also has a flair for computers, and for games and puzzles with an intellectual twist.  She seeks to grow through the use of her intelligence and through intellectual exchanges with others.

Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!
If you have a child born on September 26, 2012 then they are a birthday twin of Olive!
Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
You will receive a free Kiddiegram!
Previous Libra Signature Star Children:
Kal-el Coppola Cage
Mia Honey Threapleton
Ramona Sarsgaard

Check out other Libra celebri-tots in Hollywood!
*Since there is no birth time published for Olive, a noon chart has been used. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so her Kiddiegram does not contain any inaccurate information.

Image credit: David Shankbone, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

August Cele-Baby Round Up Featuring Summer Rain

Christina Aguilera's baby girl has arrived, joining big brother, Max ! The Voice coach and fiancé Matt Rutler welcomed Leo daughter Summer Rain Rutler on Saturday, Aug. 16, in Los Angeles.

Christina Aguilera, 2010
Summer is definitely summery with three planets in sunny Leo, including Venus and Jupiter in a close conjunction with each other. Venus represents out desire to connect with others, both by reaching out and by drawing them in. In expressive Leo, Summer will easily captivate her audience with her charisma, whomever they may be! In league with expansive and cheerful Jupiter, she'll easily make friends with a generous and inclusive spirit.

Mlle. Kiddie also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in August:
  • Dave Grohl of the Foot Fighters and his wife Jordyn Blum welcomed their third child, a Leo daughter named Ophelia Saint Grohl, on August 1.
  • Actress Christina Ricci and husband James Heerdegen had a bouncing baby boy on or before August 8 (name and official birthdate is still a mystery but he's a Leo!)
  • It's a great month for The Voice! Carson Daly (host) and Siri Pinter welcomed their third child – a Leo daughter named London Rose on Wednesday, August 20.
  • Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy) and girlfriend Meagan Camper had their first baby, a Leo boy named Saint Lazslo, also on August 20.

"CA2010PREIMRE" by Nick Stepowyj - Christina Aguilera. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, September 08, 2014

Virgo Signature Star Child: Henry Samuel

Henry, first son of Heidi Klum and Seal Samuel, is our Virgo Signature Star Child!

Although Henry's chart appears to have a little of everything with it's scattered planetary pattern, he has a majority of his personal planets placed in the earth signs. The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars and are called personal planets because they tend to have the most to reveal when it comes to the core components of personality. 

With all but Venus in earth signs, he's likely to be a pretty down-to-earth kid. With the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, he may have an analytical mind and an interest in learning subjects that have a practical application, like science and math. With a Capricorn moon, he'll probably enjoy doing things on his own and can be pretty self-sufficient, especially if he's encouraged in that direction. Mars is also in the earth sign of Taurus, so he's pretty laid back and isn't in a rush to do anything that doesn't work out naturally in its own time.

The Sun and Mars are in a tight trine with each other, so although he won't be a speed racer when it comes to accomplishing his goals, he can summon the stamina and commitment to see things through to their end. 

More on Mars his Kiddiegram:
Mars in Taurus:
     Henry has trouble getting started, and he may seem slow or sluggish at times, but once he gets going, he has excellent stamina and staying power. His energy level is strong and even. He is likely to be extremely obstinate when you try to force him to do something against his will.

Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!
If you have a child born on September 12, 2005 then they are a birthday twin of Henry!
Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
You will receive a free Kiddiegram!
Previous Virgo Signature Star Children:

Sparrow James Midnight Madden 
Charlotte Grace Prinze 
Ella Rae Wahlberg

Check out other Virgo celebri-tots in Hollywood!

*Since there is no birth time published for Henry, a noon chart has been used. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so his  Kiddiegram does not contain any inaccurate information.

Image: "Seal 2012" by Eva Rinaldi - Seal. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Image: "Heidi Klum Judges Red Carpet event April 2014 (cropped)" by Mingle Media TV - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

July CeleBaby Roundup Featuring Kelsey Gabriel Elias Grammer

Kelsey Grammer and his wife Kayte welcomed their second child together, a baby boy they named Kelsey Gabriel Elias. Baby Kelsey is a Cancer, born just a few hours before the Sun changed signs into Leo.

With three planets in giving Cancer and in his socially-oriented 11th house, Kelsey Jr. may turn out to be quite the humanitarian or social activist. Generous Jupiter is in Leo and while it's difficult to see from the image of his chart, it is actually closely aligned in a conjunction with his Cancer Sun but technically in the spiritual 12th house, potentially reinforcing a compassionate, openhearted, and giving nature. Empathetic Neptune in the seventh house of relationships continues the trend.

Kelsey Jr.'s natural enjoyment of talking and learning will also shine through, with Mars in his 3rd house of communication and the Moon - representing the heart - in the mentally active sign of Gemini. His Gemini Moon is in his 10th house, which can often represent one's career or vocation, so if he follows his heart, he may find himself in one or more of a variety of communication-themed professions, from speech-writing (or giving), to consulting, to education! 

Mlle. Kiddie also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in July: 

  • Jimmy Kimmel and Molly McNearney welcomed their first baby on July 10th, a Cancer baby girl they named Jane.
  • Singer Amy Lee and her husband Josh Hartzler welcomed their first child, on July 28th, a Leo baby boy they named Jack Lion (no kidding! A Leo baby with the middle name of Lion ... a coincidence? hmmm...)


Image use: Kelsey GrammerCC BY-SA 3.0

Monday, August 04, 2014

Leo Signature Star Child: Delilah Del Toro

Delilah Genoveva Stewart Del Toro, daughter of actor Benicio Del Toro and Kimberly Stewart is our featured Leo Signature Star Child!

Dad Benicio Del Toro
Delilah will be a charmer from day one with a rich Venus-Sun conjunction in charismatic Leo! Leos often draw attention to themselves without even trying through their sunny and confident dispositions, and with social Venus boosted by solar power, Delilah will probably never want for friends. Indeed, she already had an entourage in place before she even arrived, with dad Benicio and grandpa Rod Stewart among them in the hospital room with mom Kimberly.

At her heart, though, she won't always like the spotlight. With a mellow Taurus moon, she'll be most content when things are low-key, with a relaxing (but not boring!) daily routine. Mars in Cancer will have her just as happy to adore her loved ones as well as be adored by them, and while she will give and receive love and affection easily, she may tend to keep her true feelings hidden until she's sure she can trust someone. She may love playing 'mommy' to her family, other children, pets, baby dolls, you name it!

More from Delilah's Kiddiegram:

Venus in Leo:
Delilah Del Toro very much wants to be admired, petted, and made much of by her friends, and she is lavish in her affection for others as well. She can be greedy for attention, and she very much dislikes being ignored or seen as just one of the crowd. There is a streak of vanity in her. Positively, she is warm, demonstrative, loyal and generous with people she cares about.

Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!
If you have a child born on August 21, 2011 then they are a birthday twin of Delilah!
Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
You will receive a free Kiddiegram!
Previous Leo Signature Star Children:

Penelope Athena
Haven Garner
Zuma Nesta Rock

Check out other Leo celebri-tots in Hollywood!

Image of Benicio Del ToroCC BY-SA 2.0

*Since there is no birth time published for Delilah, a noon chart has been used. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so her Kiddiegram does not contain any inaccurate information.

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

June CeleBaby RoundUp Featuring Royal Reign

Lil' Kim
Rapper Lil' Kim has a lil' princess of her very own! "Royal Reign" reportedly arrived on June 9th in New Jersey at the oh-so-reasonable hour of 9:58 am.

A Gemini Sun, Royal's endless curiosity will keep her mom on her toes at an early age. Gemini likes to be active and try new things, and Royal will be even quicker and more motivated than most Geminis with active Mars in a friendly trine giving her the green light. She's also got a very motivated Aries south node, which will have her approaching life from the perspective that it's better to leap first and ask questions later!

With a regal Leo ascendant, Royal will certainly have a flair for the dramatic and star-of-the-show performing like her mom, although whether she chooses to follow in mom's career footsteps or simply loves performing in her livingroom will be up to her!

 Mlle. Kiddie also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in June: 

  • Baby girl River Rose arrived on June 12th to Kelly Clarkson (American Idol) and her husband, Brandon Blackstock.


Image use: Lil' Kim - PartyCC BY-SA 3.0

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Cancer Signature Star Child: Bingham "Bing" Hawn Bellamy

Kate Hudson
"Bing," son of rocker Matt Bellamy and actress Kate Hudson, is our featured Cancer Signature Star Child!

With Venus and the Sun in Cancer, Bing has a loving nature, being naturally inclined to nurture others, and with an intense Scorpio Moon, deep bonds with those he loves will be paramount.  From his Kiddiegram:

Venus in Cancer:
     A warm home, loving family relationships, and emotional closeness are extremely important to Bing Bellamy. When he feels secure and loved, he is one of the most caring, sympathetic, and emotionally supportive children you could imagine. But, he will cling and be very possessive or jealous if he does not feel truly loved. He is inclined to have a few close friends that he cherishes rather than a lot of acquaintances.

Noted astrologer Marc Edmund Jones observed that planetary arrangements in a chart would often fall into patterns, and categorized those patterns (along with their common personality traits). These are often referred to as the Jones Patterns and are used by many astrologers. Bing's chart is an example of the "Splash" chart pattern, with the planets seeming to be 'splashed' in all areas of the chart, without much of a concentration in any one section. This can indicate a lot of diverse interests and someone who can be very well-rounded. At the same time, this chart pattern can also indicate someone who has a hard time concentrating their energies and can appear very scattered in their approach to things. 

Bing will certainly love to dabble in lots of interests with his planet of action, Mars, in flexible and curious Gemini, and his passionate Scorpio Moon will certainly having him insist that whatever his latest pursuit is, it's the obsession of his life (or at least of the moment!) 
Want your own user's manual for your precious kiddo? 
Surf over to Planet Kiddie!
If you have a child born on July 9, 2011 then they are a birthday twin of Bing!
Just visit Kiddiegram on Facebook and let us know! 
You will receive a free Kiddiegram!

Previous Cancer Signature Star Children:

Quinlin Dempsey Stiller
Sunday Rose Urban
Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt

Check out other Cancer celebri-tots in Hollywood!

Image of  Kate Hudson CC BY-SA 2.0 Katie Kiehn - Flickr

*Since there is no birth time published for Bing, a noon chart has been used. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so his Kiddiegram does not contain any inaccurate information.

Curious about the Jones patterns? Find out more in Stephanie Clement's book Aspect Patterns: What They Reveal & How They Are Triggered 

Saturday, June 07, 2014

May CeleBaby Roundup featuring Oliver Finlay Dallas

Snow White and her Prince Charming are real-life parents! Once Upon A Time's Ginnifer Goodwin and her husband Joshua Dallas welcomed a Gemini baby boy on May 29th in Los Angeles.

Oliver is a double Gemini, with both the Sun and Moon in this playful and curious sign. Oliver will no doubt be walking and talking on the earlier side, since impatient Gemini just can't wait to see the world and get their hands on all those shiny things they aren't supposed to touch! 
Oliver also seems to be blessed with a healthy dose of ambition. His Gemini Sun is in a favorable trine with motivated Mars, encouraging him to easily and promptly act on his ideas, so he'll not only think fast, he'll also move fast. He may tend toward impulsiveness, especially with Mars in opposition to unpredictable Uranus, so sometimes he may end up in situations without really being able to explain how he got there ("it all happened so fast, mom!"). He'll probably be able to charm his way out of most trouble, though, with talkative Mercury and relationship-savvy Venus in a snug-and-happy sextile.

As he gets older, his lovely trine between Saturn and Jupiter will help him take the ideas he really cares about and make them a reality with hard work. He'll just have to watch out for that Sun-Neptune square, which can lead an already overactive Gemini mind into daydreaming overdrive!

Congrats to Prince Charming and his Princess!

 Mlle. Kiddie also sends happy wishes to these celebrities who welcomed babies in May: 
  • Taurus Evelyn Penn was born Monday, May 5th. She's the second daughter of Emma Heming and Bruce Willis.
  • Jay Cutler & Kristin Cavallari (The Hills) welcomed their second baby, Taurus Jaxon Wyatt, on May 7th.
  • Kelley and Scott Wolf (Party of Five) welcomed their third child, Gemini Lucy Marie, on May 24th.

*Since there is no birth time published for Oliver, a noon chart has been used. No tine-dependent interpretation has been offered.

Image use:
Joshua Dallas 2011-02 cropped CC BY 2.0

Ginnifer Goodwin by Gage SkidmoreCC BY-SA 3.0