Ford has four planets and his south node in the sign of Capricorn, which is a sign that's focused on learning the value of self-reliance, independence, and responsibility. Children with a lot of Capricorn planets in their chart tend to have a rather serious side to their personality, and Ford will most certainly have that, especially with his no-nonsense Taurus Moon. Ford's Mercury, also in Capricorn, is not far from Pluto, which gives him not only a logical mind, but also a shrewdness that will be surprising to find in such a young guy!
One of the most notable things about Ford's chart is his Sun and Mars, which are lined up closely together in a conjunction. The Sun represents the characteristics that are central to our identity, and any planet that is close to the Sun adds its motivations to this list of core traits. Mars represents what motivations us to action, our passion, and our drive. Here's more on this powerful pair from Ford's Kiddiegram:
Sun conjunct MarsThis child is very energetic, and one of your principle tasks as his parents is to help him find outlets for his abundant vitality. He is quite competitive, and enjoys contests and challenges, whether physical or intellectual. He is also likely to be hot-tempered, impatient, and easily frustrated by delays. He is very strong-willed and rather combative, uncooperative, or uncompromising at times. He likes to be first in everything.
Previous Capricorn Signature Star Children:
Vida Alves McConaughey
*Ford's birth time and exact city is not publicly known, so a sunrise chart was created. However, an exact birth time must be known to calculate the houses and ascendant in a natal chart, so Ford's Kiddiegram does not include that unknown information and no incorrect interpretation has been offered on the unknown components of Ford's chart.
Image of Owen Wilson is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Credit:Georges Biard