But perhaps the most thrilling news is the birth of Celine Dion's twin boys on Saturday, given her difficulties in the recent past in conceiving and carrying a baby to term.
Entering the world just one minute apart, the twins were born just after the full moon, so it still shows up in their chart: their Sun, just barely into Scorpio is opposite the moon in Taurus. Full moon people are said to be built to bring things to fruition - to take the enthusiasm, naivete, and idealism of the first half of the waxing lunar cycle and thrust it forward into life, to get 'out there' and make a mark, make a difference. These kids are on a mission!
And it doesn't stop there, but is echoed in the fact that their Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Scorpio in the 11th house. Scorpio takes what it's passionate about and follows it through to almost obsessive ends. In the 11th house, the house of the 'public, groups, and community', their mission will no doubt be far-reaching. They will obviously be well-known because of their parents, but they are not likely to be reaching for fame as much as they are to want to make a valuable difference in the world (Scorpio doesn't really like to be in the spotlight too much!)
But 11th house planets often take a long while to manifest, needing to gather up momentum, self-knowledge, and lengthy life experience so as to reach a crescendo of sorts. In the meantime, the twins will probably be working on getting to know themselves as individuals--something that any person, and especially twins, must do, but for these twins, that work takes center stage. They entered the world with a Cancer south node in the 7th house, which speaks of a tendency to think in terms of 'us' rather than 'I', and Cancer can be prone to giving much more than it allows itself to receive. With Pluto and the north node in their 1st house of Self and in Capricorn, a sign known for self-sufficiency and independence, they will be moving ever toward the goal of understanding and owning identity.
Once they start to get their feet under them in this regard, their second half of life should gain even more momentum, having them branch out into the world to show it their stuff! Their enthusiastic Sagittarius rising knows no bounds, so it should be a good show!
Congratulations to the happy family!
At this writing, the twins' names have yet to be made public.
Entering the world just one minute apart, the twins were born just after the full moon, so it still shows up in their chart: their Sun, just barely into Scorpio is opposite the moon in Taurus. Full moon people are said to be built to bring things to fruition - to take the enthusiasm, naivete, and idealism of the first half of the waxing lunar cycle and thrust it forward into life, to get 'out there' and make a mark, make a difference. These kids are on a mission!

But 11th house planets often take a long while to manifest, needing to gather up momentum, self-knowledge, and lengthy life experience so as to reach a crescendo of sorts. In the meantime, the twins will probably be working on getting to know themselves as individuals--something that any person, and especially twins, must do, but for these twins, that work takes center stage. They entered the world with a Cancer south node in the 7th house, which speaks of a tendency to think in terms of 'us' rather than 'I', and Cancer can be prone to giving much more than it allows itself to receive. With Pluto and the north node in their 1st house of Self and in Capricorn, a sign known for self-sufficiency and independence, they will be moving ever toward the goal of understanding and owning identity.
Once they start to get their feet under them in this regard, their second half of life should gain even more momentum, having them branch out into the world to show it their stuff! Their enthusiastic Sagittarius rising knows no bounds, so it should be a good show!
Congratulations to the happy family!
At this writing, the twins' names have yet to be made public.