Friday, August 15, 2008

Color My World Purple: Easton August Antony

Easton August arrived Thursday April 10th (2008) in LA, daughter of former Law and Order star Elisabeth Rohm and her fiancee (Ron Wooster) The couple are marrying in October in Palm Springs. In an interview on the Graco Baby Blog, she sounds pretty relaxed for a woman who played a former D. A. Her favorite book as a child was Harold and the Purple Crayon. The 30th anniversary edition seems to have appeared in time for Easton. Evidently her Mom carries a copy with her scooting about town saving gas with the Graco.
Easton's Kiddiegram tell us that her Sun, Venus and Mercury are in in Aries. So this child will be a fire-cracker! Her Moon is in Gemini, so she's also super bright and if her parents can catch up with her, they'll have great discussions about everything SHE'S going to initiate and pioneer in her life! She's gonna color her world bright! We don't have a birth time yet for her so we can't show her complete Kiddiegram, but we can say this looking at her Mom's star chart (April 28, 1973 Dusseldorf, Germany) that they share the same Mercury, so they will communicate in a similar fashion. However, her Mom's energy being Taurus Sun conjunct Venus will be a stabilizing force for Easton (who was so Aries that she even arrived two weeks early) and with a Moon in Pisces, we are not surprised that she gave up that old day job to find fulfillment as a Mom, Moon in Pisces folks are wonderful to be around emotionally! Photo from Just
Check out their interactions together at Mlle Kiddie's Star Bureau's Parent/Child Interactive.

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