Well we were a day off, on September 4th, we wrote that Minnie Driver's baby might already be on the planet. Henry Story Driver arrived the next day in Los Angeles. (9/5/08 LA, CA). The Sun often symbolizes the father in a child's chart so we are not surprised that he has a Sun conjunct Saturn, with the father still a mystery man, but with Henry's Mom saying that he plans to be very much involved with his son's life. Like a couple of celebrity babies before him, he also shares a Sun (Soul) trine Jupiter (Luck) Besides the responsibility and discipline of that Sun conjunct Saturn this Virgo child was blessed to have the same Moon sign as his mother.(Minnie at 14 degrees he's at 17) Henry's moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Okay, so there may be a lotta stories, and intense things going on and the public may never know, as Scorpio Moons are very powerful moons, and are essentially private. Don't ask a Scorpio moon too many personal questions...secret is their middle name. Oh and by the way, a Scorpio Moon can understand feelings and where people are coming from like nobody on the planet. They read vibes from the ether like other people read the stock market tables. How great that Henry and has this magic connection with his mother, who clearly is a pretty private gal.
He might Myth his Dad but his deep feeling connection to his oh so independent Aquarian Mother, who will never make light of his depth will be a big part of this O Henry story.
*Sun Trine Jupiter: (from Henry's partial Kiddiegram, no birth time)
It may seem that life is always on Henry's side, and that Fortune smiles on him more than on most people. Mostly that stems from the fact the he does not worry a lot and he seems always to expect everything to turn out well for him. He is generous and large-spirited, and the world responds to him in kind. The only drawback is that he may not be inclined to push himself, to work hard, or to be very motivated to develop the gifts and opportunities he has.
If you have a Moon in Scorpio and suspect that your child shares this Sun Trine Jupiter, get a gram! Don't worry every child has Lucky Jupiter somewhere in his chart although it may have different aspects to the star signs he was gifted at birth.
He might Myth his Dad but his deep feeling connection to his oh so independent Aquarian Mother, who will never make light of his depth will be a big part of this O Henry story.
*Sun Trine Jupiter: (from Henry's partial Kiddiegram, no birth time)
It may seem that life is always on Henry's side, and that Fortune smiles on him more than on most people. Mostly that stems from the fact the he does not worry a lot and he seems always to expect everything to turn out well for him. He is generous and large-spirited, and the world responds to him in kind. The only drawback is that he may not be inclined to push himself, to work hard, or to be very motivated to develop the gifts and opportunities he has.
If you have a Moon in Scorpio and suspect that your child shares this Sun Trine Jupiter, get a gram! Don't worry every child has Lucky Jupiter somewhere in his chart although it may have different aspects to the star signs he was gifted at birth.