Venus is known as the planet of love and romance, so she's naturally the star on holidays like Valentine's Day. Venus is the planet in our chart that wants to reach out to others, in love and friendship, and the sign she's in in someone's natal chart can tell us just how we like to do that. Babies born between February 8th and March 4th this year will be born while Venus is in the sign of Aries, where she's traveling right now.

Venus in Aries likes to make friends in a very direct way. If they like you, they won't beat around the bush! In their group of friends, they are likely to be the one in charge, since they know what they like and aren't shy about it. They can be very spontaneous and outgoing.
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is among many celebri-tots with Venus in Aries. She's likely to be a very energetic friend, and also quite talkative, with her Sun, Moon, and Mercury in friendly Gemini!
Other celebri-tots with Venus in Aries:
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