“He’s just hellbent on completely spoiling [Theo]. I think that’s customary for grandparents, but it’s a little aggressive actually,” Bryce told Jay Leno, laughing.
"I never watched any television when I was growing up, and my parents kept me away from sweets and all that kind of stuff and I went over the other day — [Theo] spent the night at my parents’ house — and it was 8:30 in the morning and he was watching cartoons and stuffing his face with Oreos!"
Grandpa Ron and Theo share a Venus connection--they both have Venus in mid to late Pisces, so there's plain-old 'like-ability' between them. Theo will probably charm Grandpa Ron easily. Theo's Mars is also right on Ron's moon, so he probably won't have much trouble getting his way by appealing to Ron's heart (Moon), since what Mars wants, Mars gets!
And apparently, Theo's Mars wants Oreos!
Ron Howard Image licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license; credit: David Shankbone
Bryce Dallas Howard licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Genericgdcgraphic license; credit: