Zahara, the first daughter of famous duo Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, is our Capricorn Signature Star Child!
Zahara is a Capricorn Sun but she also has Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn, in opposition from her Sun, giving her a double dose of this earthy energy. Although she has five planets in the lively and adventurous sign of Sagittarius, she has her serious side. Not only will she have the enthusiasm and optimism of Sagittarius, but she'll also have the hard-working, almost entrepreneurial motivation of Capricorn in her corner, so she'll be learning just what she's capable of when she sets her mind to something. She'll probably often want to try grown-up things and get ahead of herself quite often in her ambition and excitement. Her Capricorn Sun will help her organize her wealth of energy into a target she can aim at.
With all that Sagittarius, she enjoys running free, but with Saturn in alignment with her Sun in the family sign of Cancer, she'll probably take her duties and responsibilities as the oldest daughter seriously, feeling the internal pressure to set a good example. She may have a hard time showing her soft or vulnerable side as she always wants to appear strong, capable, and cheerful.
In a 2010 interview, mom Angelina said of Zahara: "[she's] got an extraordinary voice and is just so elegant and well spoken." With Mercury, the planet that governs our communication style, so close to Venus, the planet of creativity, beauty, and charm, it's no wonder! More from her Kiddiegram:
Mercury Conjunct Venus:
Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt is persuasive in a charming and gracious way. She is a natural diplomat and peace-maker, and she likes to bring people together socially.
She also uses words well and enjoys "painting pictures with words." Literature and poetry are likely to be pronounced interests of hers.
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If you have a child born on January 8, 2005, then they are a birthday twin of Zahara.
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Zahara's birth time is not publicly known, so a noon chart has been created. No inaccurate interpretation has been offered as a result.
Image of Brad and Angelina s licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Credit: Georges Biard