Money and fame don’t solve every problem. Celebrity moms have their hopes and worries for their children too. However, Mlle. Kiddie would like to offer ‘everyday’ moms a chance to see astrology put into action to answer their parenting questions. After all, famous or not, you’re the world to your kids! If you’ve got a question about your child that you’d like Amy to answer, send your questions any time to amy@heavenlytruth.com.
Erin writes:
The terrible twos seem to have come early to my son, Javeth. It started I'd say a month ago and I have NO idea what sparks it. He'll be perfectly happy and then suddenly throw himself, very dramatically (but carefully so as not to hurt himself, so you know it's for show) and will carefully bang his head on the floor. There's also occasional throwing objects. When it turns to real tears, we comfort him and he's fine for a minute and then another five minutes of fit, and then a minute off. What's going on?

Amy answers:
The rise of frequency and intensity of these fits seems to correlate with the planet Pluto. It has been contacting a number of planets in his chart as it crosses over his Ascendant, a sensitive area in anyone's natal chart. Pluto has a number of complex meanings, but in a child's chart, the simplest and most relevant thing to say is that it brings a higher level of intensity of feeling and experience. What you may be seeing as he has his fits are the peaks, when the feeling wave breaks, so to speak, and overwhelms him. I hesitate to point to an exact trigger, but you might look for clues having anything to do with situations where he feels like his will is being thwarted, be it by another person, or even an uncooperative object.

The square to Mercury from Pluto can be very useful for development, as things that frustrate us often compel us to try and find a solution to resolve our inner tension, so squares can often produce the best breakthroughs. His progressed moon, which is often a clue as to where our attention and interest lies at any given time, is about a week away from moving into the sign of Gemini, so you can probably expect his communication skills to begin progressing quite rapidly, and his interest in books or any kind of media or even puzzles will likely increase, so he may be an early reader if you want to help him develop those skills. In November, his Moon will form a trine to Mercury, so you can expect another leap in his verbal/communication development then as well.
But back to Pluto and the 'fits'; due to retrograde motion (a planet appearing to move backward) Pluto will pass one last time over his ascendant in late December, never to return. It'll take a couple more months from there for Pluto to also initiate and complete it's next emotional connection to Javeth's Mars, which piggybacks on the current Mercury & Moon connections I've mentioned. During all these feelings of emotional overwhelm and frustration, helping him develop the abilities to express what he's feeling and what he needs may provide a useful outlet for his feelings, as he'll have the motivation to develop skills of communication with his progressed moon entering Gemini.
For now, I think helping him experience and express the emotions is probably the best thing you can do. When the Moon feels, it doesn't need to have a problem solved as much as it just needs comfort, nurturing, and a safe place to fall apart for a moment.
As always, a dose of 'kids will be kids' and 'make sure he's not ill or that nothing else seems to be wrong' always applies. Good luck and thanks for your question!
Would you like some input on how to understand and nurture your child in the most effective way for their unique needs? Amy offers readings for parents and children; find out more at her website.